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Triangle Youth Lacrosse Conference


Triangle Youth Lacrosse Conference – 2021-2022 Conference By-Laws

Below are the policies which are agreed on by all members of the Triangle Youth Lacrosse Conference (TYLC) teams. These rules pertain to league play, and although they’re encouraged for out of league play they are specifically designed to govern intra-league competition.

I. League Format

A. Teams Events : Regular Season February 1st – May 15th
1. No more than 5 team events per calendar week from Sunday to Saturday, with a limit of 4 being encouraged. This includes games and practices. No more than 3 games per week unless those games are rescheduled rainouts, or playoff games.

a. Teams may only have 2 practices and 3 games per week maximum.

2. The first practice may not begin before February 1st. Prior to February 1st teams may do training, camps, clinics, leagues, and  tryouts. However the goal is for formal team practices to start no earlier than February 1st to encourage multiple sport athletics and to set a limit to the season.

3. The end of season will be no later than the second weekend of May for the final championship games. Attempts should be made to conclude all regular season conference games by the final weekend of April so that May can be used for playoff games, out of conference games, and end of season play days.

II. League Rosters and Team Composition

A. Rosters are encouraged to be no more than 25 players. Players are to currently be in grades 6th - 8th graders may be a part of league play, but coaches and team directors should ensure their safety and ability to play against 7th and 8th grade players. 9th graders are not permitted to play in the TYLC regardless of size, experience, or school.

B. All teams must be assigned a head coach and team director (can be the same person). The team director must submit a roster at the time of online registration. The team director and head coach should respond to league emails within 24 hours and are responsible for ensuring that their team follows league rules, submits verified league scores, and maintains accurate team information.

C. The roster should include player name (first name, last name), grade, jersey number, current middle school, and projected high school. No players may be added to rosters after April 1st. Any roster additions should be submitted to the league prior to that player participating in a conference game. All coaches that might appear on the sideline with the team must be listed on the official team roster. Coaches not listed on the official team roster may not be in the team bench area until league directors are notified and they are added to the eligible coaching list.

D. All head coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete the NFHS online Fundamentals of Coaching core course, and the Concussion in Sports course. Certificates should be submitted to league directors prior to the first league game. All coaches are encouraged to complete the Cardiac Arrest course as well.

E. Players may only play for one TYLC team. Teams need to identify player assignment prior to league games. Once assigned to that team he may not change/play for other teams in league games except with the prior permission of league directors or a change of school.

F. Teams should be comprised of players associated with their base high-schools. The goal is for teams to consist of players from a single school, a single town, or a base school and its associated magnet or year-round school. Area-based teams with multiple schools should show yearly effort to create single school-based team progress. The intent of the league is to have school- or area-based teams growing lacrosse in a particular school or area, not “all-star” teams pulling from a large area. Players attending charter schools, private schools, or homeschooled may use their base public school as their affiliation. Teams will be permitted to carry a maximum of 3, non-high school based players per team.

1. Teams may ask for this to be waived based on extenuating circumstances. The waiver is at the discretion of league directors.

2. Two schools with limited rosters (i.e. less than 12 players) may combine and play under either school’s name or may create a
different team name, providing it doesn’t conflict with an established team.

3. Schools/organizations that have enough interest to field two teams from the same school may do so with the understanding that
talent should be split evenly or players sorted by objective means (i.e. grade level). If league growth allows for A and B rosters, that
will be determined by league directors in future seasons but not at this time.

G. Once submitted, all rosters will be sent to each team director so each team has a copy of the master roster for all teams. Player contacts, emails, and phone numbers will not be included in the rosters; just player name, jersey number, grade, and middle school attended. If a player is missing a jersey that player’s coach should alert both the coaches and the officials before the game begins so it can be noted in the scorebook.

H. Teams are encouraged to have no more than five coaches on the sideline. Each team may decide to use additional coaches during practice; however, the sideline should consist of the head coach, and no more than four assistants. A parent may be on hand to help with bench organization, but that parent should not be interfering with the coaching on either team or the timekeeping.

III. League Membership

A. Charter league members will vote to add additional teams into the league. Each team within the league will receive a single vote to admit teams. A majority vote is required. In the first two years of league membership, teams are in probationary status eligible for all league playoffs and must follow all league rules. After two successful years as a TYLC member status will be upgraded to full voting member status.

B. All teams must provide their own team insurance. This insurance should be $1,000,000 General/$3,000,000 aggregate, which is standard expected sports team insurance. 

IV. League Gameplay

A. League Play Rules

1. All games will be played following the US Lacrosse “Back Book” 14U rule modifications. The following will be a point of emphasis
within those rules:   

a. The home team is responsible for a clearly painted regulation field, visible score, a timekeeper, and keeping a scorebook.
The home team is also responsible for booking 2 NCHSAA certified officials.  Slight field modifications are allowed based on  facility, with an emphasis on 5 yards of space between the side and end-lines and any permanent field structures. Minimum
field size is 100x50 yards.

b. Game time is 10 minutes start/stop time. There is no running clock used regardless of score, coaches are encouraged to
substitute players accordingly in the event of score disparity.

c. Teams are awarded 2 time-outs per game. Time-outs should last no longer than one minute and teams should retake the
field per referee instruction. Halftime will be 5 minutes, but can be extended up to 8 minutes if both coaches agree (i.e. on a hot
game day).

d. In the event of a game that is tied at the end of regulation, a sudden victory 4 minute period will be played, with the next goal scored
               determining the winner. If at the end of 4 minutes the game remains tied, teams will change sides and play an untimed
period until a goal is scored to end the game.

e. Penalty time will be standard time serving penalties. Time will match up with the game clock, and will not be running time. In the event
that the goalie receives a penalty and there is not a second suited up goalie available then the in-home player (a
starting attack man) will serve the penalty. If the penalty on the goalie is a three minute unsportsmanlike conduct the referee
can enforce the goalie to serve the penalty at his discretion.

f. Goal differentials: If one team is head by 7 goals or more, the team that is behind automatically gets the ball at the face-off. The team
that is ahead should consider switching up-roster to avoid demoralizing the other team.) If a team is up by 12 or move goals, teams have the option to move to a running clock. This will be agreed upon by both coaches and the final call is given to the team that his behind.

g. Safety and sportsmanship is a concern of league play. Coaches, team directors, and referees have an obligation to ensure
player safety at all times and encourage good sportsmanship. A player that is viewed as using excessive physical play on the
field can be removed per referee discretion. A player or coach exemplifying unsportsmanlike actions can also be removed per
referee discretion. This includes, but is not limited to: Excessive slashing, head-to-head contact, excessive contact,
unsportsmanlike actions on the field toward opposing players, coaches, and referees, and general behavior that goes against
the intent of the league. An ejection will result in suspension of participation in the next league contest, unless prior approval is
given by league directors based on extenuating factors. Disqualifications will not result in the player, coach, etc. missing the
next contest.

h. If a player or coach is removed from play the player should be reported to league directors. Repeat offenders can be
suspended from league play on a case-by-case basis. Offending teams can be disciplined including removal from league
playoffs and removal from the league.

B. Player Equipment, Team Uniforms, and Stick Rules:

1. All players will wear certified equipment including helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, arm pads, and mouthpiece. Goalies are not
required to wear arm pads, but must wear throat protector and chest pad.

2. Teams are responsible for providing home and away jerseys. These can be standard jerseys or a reversible jersey as long as the numbers are clearly visible. Home color should be light and away color dark. Numbers are only required to be big and visible on the back of the jersey.

3. The league will  enforce stick rules to match the high school NFHS stick rules.

C. Playing Time/Spirit of the League Standards

1. It is STRONGLY encouraged for players to play in regular season and playoff games at which they are present. It is
The coach’s discretion for actual playing time but the intent of the league is for all players involved in the team to find a way on the field
To contribute toward the team effort. 

         a. Note- Development games DO NOT count towards playing time. If time and field space allow, teams are encouraged to run two, 15-minute running halves AFTER the regular game to get other players more playing time. Developmental games must be agreed on by both teams prior to the game being played and the referees should be instructed to stay to officiate, not coaches or parents.

                 b.Teams that consistently ignore the intent of the league with regards to playing time without proper explanation to league officials can face penalties including game forfeiture, drop in playoff seeding, and removal from the conference.

D.    Season Schedule and Season Layout

1. Conference games should begin no earlier than the first weekend in March and be completed by the last weekend in April. An
optional scheduling meeting can be held if league members agree it will be beneficial to gather in person. Otherwise team coaches
and directors are responsible for setting the conference schedule.

2. Conference games may be played on any day of the week, but it is encouraged to avoid Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.
Tuesdays and Fridays are typically high school games.

a. Weekday games should be scheduled to start no-later-than 6:00 pm to accommodate for developmental games.

b. Weekend games are at the discretion of the two competing teams.

3. League format for the 2021 regular season will require all teams to play each other one time. This is a mandatory game and all
effort must be made by all teams to complete their conference schedule, including moving “non-league” games as needed. In the
event two teams play twice during the season, the first game played will count toward conference standings.

4. Conference schedules should be submitted to league directors no later than March 1st to ensure all games are played and
updated online.

5. Conference standings will be determined by conference win-loss record. This standing will be used to determine playoff seeding.
In the event of a tie, the following tie-breaker for seeding will be used: head to head result, goals against in conference games, goal
differential in conference games, goals scored in conference games, coin flip.

6. Playoffs will begin the first week in May. All teams will make the playoffs and a single elimination bracket will be created. Once teams are eliminated they are welcome to schedule other eliminated teams from the playoffs in order to add extra games to the end of the season.

7. Championship game for 2020-2021 season will be played on Saturday, May 1st at Norris park. Game Time will
be determined by league directors. If a suitable alternative location is found, then the championship game can be moved at league
directors’ discretion. A league all-star game will follow the league championship game.

a. The championship team will be awarded a perpetual trophy that the winning coach will keep for one year. The trophy will be passed off to the following year's champion. The team's name and year will be inscribed on the trophy.

8. An end-of-season all-star conference game will be played following the conference championship. All teams in the league will be represented in the all-star game based on coach nominations and submissions. Team composition will be done using seeds, with
the odd number seeds making one team, and even number seeds making up the second. Number of players per team will be based
on league size. In an 11 team league, each team will submit up to 4 players to create two 22 player rosters. These spots are 
encouraged for 8th
 graders first, in appreciation for their effort in league play.

E. League Dues

1. League dues for the 2021-2022 season will be $205 per team (subject to change based on final league membership).  League
dues cover:
a.  League website (

b.  Championship game – referees, score keepers, field use.

c. All-star game – Player jersey, game referees, score keeper, field use.

d. Conference Championship Trophy

2. League dues will be submitted with online registration. Failure to pay league dues will result in forfeiture of all league games until dues are received. If dues are not received, then the team will be removed from end of season playoff and all-star events.


Contact Us

Triangle Youth Lacrosse Conference


Phone: 919-604-0542
Email: [email protected]

Triangle Youth Lacrosse Conference


Phone: 919-604-0542
Email: [email protected]
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